Recommended Supplier Application


This is an application to be added to a pool of freelance community managers, content creators, PPC and paid social experts that I can recommend to clients and new business enquiries across the UK. This list may be shared in the future, but at the moment is for use by Darcie Digital Co. All information will be kept confidential until otherwise requested.

Please share examples of your work and at least one client/colleague reference. It's important to me that those I introduce when asked for recommendations deliver work at a level that I deem acceptable from both an experience and a quality perspective.

I'm particularly keen that I work with and support a diverse range of suppliers - so I encourage those of BAME, gender binary, not-middle class and any other minorities to apply, as well as ask others to share with their networks.

Community managers and content creators fill in the Google Form here .

PPC & Paid Social experts fill in the Google Form here.

Once reviewed, I’ll get in touch with any additional questions and you'll be added to a list of approved suppliers and I'll be in touch as and when opportunities arise.

Any questions just give me a shout at
